Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pardon My Clogged Passages


Anonymous said...

Are you going to change the title to That's my Minutes? :) I agree kill the timer!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree that political discussions are difficult to navigate. I have some phrases I use that are non-committal. Like..."he/she did a good job with the speech." Or "he certainly made an interesting choice for his running mate." Or "that speech certainly was interesting and gave me lots to think about." Or when asked about something, I just say that I would prefer not to discuss politics. a last resort, I just leave!!
Kathy Rogers

Anonymous said...

Break out your year book and look me up. LOL I love talking politics as long as whoever I'm talking with can agree to disagree. Since I'm not working, the only one I get to disagree with is my Steven so it's not always fun because he loves to argue and I just want to disagree. Our daughter thinks it's all ridiculous and doesn't understand why we can't get along. Oh to be 12 again. Have a great trip and say "Hi" to Tracy and Win for me.
Jennifer Benjamin Treatman
Class of '88

Anonymous said...

I must voice my vote in support of the timer. It reminded me of the value of well chosen topics and words. I'll keep watching and listening though, regardless of the time. :) - JudyCS